40 Ways to Help a Refugee

These individuals have undergone tremendous difficulties and are starting over in a new country and culture.  While there are organizations that help them with a place to live and may even offer basic necessities, what they need is a friend and ally who can help them acclimate.  Could you:

  • Be a sincere friend
  • Reach out to people on the periphery
  • Take a stand against intolerance
  • Promote compassion and understanding
  • Make a visit
  • Get to know first hand what is really needed; don’t assume
  • Learn about the food, holidays, and traditions of others
  • Share a meal
  • Celebrate a holiday together
  • Invite someone to join your family night
  • Teach a new skill
  • Learn a new skill
  • Make introductions
  • Ask questions
  • Exchange ideas and experiences
  • Highlight strengths in other cultures
  • Speak to your town council about needed services
  • Forgive ofenses or misunderstandings and try again
  • Shop at locally owned businesses
  • Welcome new people to the neighborhood
  • Volunteer to teach a language
  • Defend others from bigotry
  • Learn kids’ names
  • Learn a sport
  • Teach a sport
  • Offer employment to someone unexpected
  • Visit people who are ill
  • Teach each other songs and jokes
  • Extend an invitation to a cultural event
  • Offer to babysit
  • Give a ride
  • Practice interviewing for a job
  • Donate household goods
  • Help children study
  • Act as a grandma or grandpa to someone whose family is far away
  • Volunteer with a local organization whose work you admire
  • Be a mentor
  • Find local solutions rather than relying on bureaucratic programs or funds
  • Recognize that time and relationships are more valuable than things
  • Don’t hesitate to follow the promptings of the Holy Spirit

Download PDF:  40 Ways to Help

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