Conversations that Connect — 2/1/2020

Conversations That Connect

Saturday, February 1, 2020

10 a.m. to 2 p.m. in “The Bridge” at White’s Chapel UMC

This is an exciting FREE opportunity for students interested in Leadership Development and Intercultural Communication. Three nationally recognized speakers will be presenting “Conversations that Connect” – an interactive program that explores ways to listen beyond words, recognize and transform bias, and select approaches that lead to trustworthy influence across a variety of viewpoints. Expand your focus from personal experience to a global perspective. Join our renowned presenters in an event where everyone has a voice! Come find yours – and change the world! Free lunch provided by Chick-Fil-A.

Limited Seating – Register Now

Participation in this event can be added to a student’s resume and is open to surrounding schools. Don’t miss out! Register today, as it is expected to fill up fast.

Registration closes January 15. 

Participation in this event can be added to a student’s resume and is open to surrounding schools. Don’t miss out! Register today, as it is expected to fill up fast.

There are two ticket types:

  • International Students:  Were you born outside the US or have a parent who was born outside the US? If so, this is the ticket for you!
  • American Students: Were you born in the US to parents who were also born in the US, then this is the ticket for you!

“Conversations that Connect” is hosted by the White’s Chapel Refugee Initiative in partnership with Kairos Collaborative

ATTN: Youth Directors wishing to register a group of students can do so by emailing a list of students’ names, email addresses, and grade level to Todd Porter.

For further information, call Ann Davis at 940 230 3065.  

Speakers for this event:

Jessica Davidson joined the Center for Creative Leadership (CCL) in May, 2017, bringing with her over 20 years of experience as a thought and strategy partner to executives and senior leaders in both the public and private sector.

In her current role as a senior faculty member in CCL Global Markets, she regularly presents customized leadership development programs for clients ranging from Fortune 500 companies to community-, school-, and faith-based organizations throughout the United States.

Applying professional skills and personal compassion, Ms. Davidson connects people with their personal purpose and the needs of the people around them. In ”Conversations that Connect”, she will share her findings as a social scientist whose passion is to hear the unspoken and to build from differences a bridge over which everyone can walk. Using listening as the key to influence, Mrs. Davidson assures that everyone exits with a strong sense of personal identity, belonging, and power to keep the conversation going.

Jessica holds a Master’s Degree in Industrial/Organizational Psychology, and is a certified executive coach through the International Coach Federation. She is an active member of the American Psychological Association (APA), the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP), and the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM).

Dr. David Campt (@thedialogueguy) is considered a national expert in the areas of inclusion and equity, cultural competence, and intergroup dialogue. For more than 25 years, his insights about the keys to more inclusive and effective institutions and communities have been sought by small executive boards of fewer than a dozen to large-scale summits involving thousands of people. His clients have varied widely, and have included the US military, The White House, large corporations, international organizations, foundations, governments, universities, national associations, and non-profit groups.

David is the author of a number of books including The Little Book of Dialogue for Difficult Subjects (2007) and Read the Room for Real: How A Simple Technology Creates Better Meetings. (2015). In early 2016, he created a project called the Ally Conversation Toolkit (ACT), which has engaged thousands of people in person and on line. Under this initiative, David has written three books – White Ally Toolkit Workbook, a supplement for the workbook called the Discussion Group Leaders Guide, and the Compassionate Warrior Boot Camp for White Allies. David’s work on dismantling racism has been featured by a number of prominent media outlets, such as Think Progress and The Daily Show with Trevor Noah. In “Conversations That Connect”, Dr. Campt will be addressing, among other strategies, ways to not only detect but transform bias.

Todd Porter has been designing optimal energy management for commercial operations throughout the United States since 1995. His leadership roles in Performance Assurance, Quality Assurance, and Research and Development led to the discovery that the biggest challenge isn’t technical. It’s incorporating change in ways that outlive the immediate initiative and achieve long-term impact. In other words: How do humans move from “enlightenment” to improved patterns that last?

To explore the dynamics of change in human systems, Mr. Porter completed Case Western’s masters’ program in Positive Organization Development. This practical curriculum integrates the science of human development with the practice of organizing humans to work together toward common goals. This expertise in human organizing – combined with the creative skills embedded in his bachelors in Electrical Engineering and masters in music – accords Todd a unique set of expertises: Relational, Artistic, and Technical Fluency.

Combining these areas over the past decade, Mr. Porter has led compassionate communication workshops based on Marshall Rosenberg’s Nonviolent Communication: a Language of Life. His presentations have equipped professional, community, and faith-based groups that include large suburban school district leaders, university interview officers, movers and shakers within the Wild Goose Festival and other 501(c)(3) organizations, church staff and municipal leaders, and participants in a variety of regional and national conferences. For details see www. .

The conviction underlying all of Todd’s work is that empathic connection between human beings enables us to create the world we long for: A world in which everyone has what they need. His work with “Conversations That Connect” creates positive impacts that last – no matter your present goal or geography.

“Conversations that Connect” is hosted by the White’s Chapel Refugee Initiative in partnership with Kairos Collaborative.

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